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Class 05



CSS stands for cascading style sheet. It allows you to create some beautiful websites with all sorts of designs and layouts from the more common simplistic styles to other more outlandish styles.

You can create some amazing things with CSS. Here is a great example, the Mona Lisa in CSS.

The main purpose of CSS is to allow you to customise how a website is presented to a user. All broswers have basic styling included as default for different elements within HTML, these can be overridden with CSS.

An import part to remember is the CSS is Cascading Style Sheet, this means that it is read line by line and cascades downwards. As such if a you write two rules for the same thing such as below;

background-color:red background-color:blue

Both lines will be executed however the last one will override the first one rendering a blue background.

For more advanced developers you will find people using transforms to change and move elements as well as CSS functions to add some very basic functionality.