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Class 02


Text Editors

There are many options for text editors, every OS will come with their own however there are others available that offer a lot of additional features that prove very helpful to those that code.

These features are things such as;

At the end of the day the best thing to do is experiment with a few different text editors and go with the one best suited to you and your workstyle.

The Command Line

The command line is a powerful tool in any coders arsenal. The information we have been given covers the command line in bash however I myself use zsh instead. I find this to be much better and it allows me access to other features I desire.

The command line will allow you to do many things such as cd to navigate, ls to see the directories contents, mkdir to create a new directory, touch to create a new file and echo to echo back a string (amoung other more advanced things).

Of course all of these can be done via the GUI but doing so from the CLI can be handy as well as we will use the CLI a lot to initialise GIT and other services.