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# Class 07

Domain Modeling

Domain modeling allows us to create a model in code for specific problems. It describes various entities and stores data in properties that encapuslate behavious in mehtods.

HTML Table Basics

Tables are for representing data, not for page layout. Tables are made up of various elements such as table head thead, table row tr and table data td.

Introducing Constructors

Constructors allow us to set top level ojbects with their own built in methods. This makes for a very flexible and powerful way to write our code.
Using this in a constructor refers to the constructor itself. Using this in an object literal refers to the object.

Object Prototypes Using A Constructor

refers to the ability to access object properties from another object. We use a JavaScript prototype to add new properties and methods to an existing object constructor. We can then essentially tell our JS code to inherit properties from a prototype. Prototypical inheritance allows us to reuse the properties or methods from one JavaScript object to another through a reference pointer function. This is very useful when we need all object in an array to have the same methods available.