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Class 04

Learn HTML

To create a basic link we use the anchor element and wrap our text in <a><a/>.
We then use the href='' attribute to add the link itself to the text.
It is important to make our links accessible, we can do so by ensuring the text within is clear and descriptive. We can use the tabindex='' attribut to put them in a logical tabbing order. The main thing to add is the title='' attribute that will allow us to give an explanation for the link.#

CSS Layout

CSS Layout: Normal Flow CSS Layout: Positioning

The normal flow of a document is the default positioning from the broswer with the default properties on each HTML element.
Block level elements will follow one above the other whereas inline elements will sit side by side.
Static, block positioning is default for every HTML element. Absolut positioning can be beneficial when we want to place an element in a specfic place on the screen as it allows us to use the top, bottom, left and right CSS properties.
Absolut positioning takes the element out of the normal flow of the document but keeps it where it is placed in the document when you scroll. Fixed positioning fixes the element in acccordance with the viewport instead of the document itself.

Learn JS

Functions – Reusable Blocks of Code

A function declaration is where we first set up the function and the code within. Function invocation is use calling upon the function to use it and pass data through it as parameters.
Parametrs are the data we pass through the function, arguements are the declarations in the function that allow us to use the parameters when the function is called.

Pair Programming

Two ways it may beenefit me.